Solana ecosystem Farming Generator — Croppr Finance Seeking Systematic Optimal Rewards for Yeild Farming

8 min readOct 24, 2022


Liquidity mining activities have become one of the fundamental on-chain activities of major public chains as an important DeFi financial activity, where users can gain access to revenues while providing token assets.

Cropper Finance, also a major project joining the liquidity mining space, is an automated market maker protocol built on the Solana blockchain that leverages the central order book of the Serum decentralized exchange to enable lightning transactions, share liquidity and earn revenue.

The core functionality of Cropper Finance is a license-free mining feature that enables any SPL project to start a liquidity pool and associated mining services on Cropper Finance.

To learn more about Cropper Finance’s role and operations in the Solana liquidity mining space, on October 21, 2021, CryptoJ invited Croppish, CEO of Cropper Finance, to be a guest on this episode of AMA’s “Solana Eco-Farm Farming ‘Power Station’”. — Cropper Finance seeks the best systemic return for liquidity mining” and explores the world of liquidity mining together.

The AMA will be separated into two parts:

1. Our guests will answer my questions

2. Our guests will answer the questions asked by our community members

Please stay quiet for the first section and ask your questions during the second section.

Now, let’s start!

Question1: First of all, let’s welcome Croppish to join CryptoJ’s community for the first time. can you tell us a little bit about Cropper Finance its background and vision, and what problems can solve? Can you summarize the main features of the Cropper Finance ?


Thank you CryptoJ for welcoming us today. We are happy for the opportunity to have a deeper dialogue with the Chinese community. CropperFinance is an automated market maker (AMM) built on the Solana blockchain. What makes CropperFinance different from other AMMs is the ability it gives to SPL-project builders to launch permissionless yield farming for their token holders on a plug and play basis. Our vision is to become the go-to platform for projects who want to launch their farms on Solana.

CropperFinance makes it possible for SPL builders to:

  • Create Permissionless Pools
  • Create Permissionless Farms

CropperFinance makes it possible for users to:

  • Swap
  • Add liquidity to Pools and earn rewards from the Swap
  • Add LP tokens to Farms and earn rewards in SPL tokens
  • Participate in Fertilizer events (community farm events with early access to those who register to the whitelist)

Question2: When there’s a new project, many people would want to know more about the team members. Now let’s invite Croppish to do a brief introduction to your team members, including some interesting stories behind the project.


Our team is composed of 4 core members:

Victor aka Robercry, who’s responsible for Tokenomics and Finance. He’s one of my brothers and the one who first initiated the CropperFinance project.

Arthur aka Turothecat, who’s responsible for Product, Design and Marketing. He’s my second brother and the one who’s thinking of future features for the platform and its users.

Fabrice aka Elmosquito, who’s our CTO, is a long-term friend. We’ve worked together on several projects for the past few years.

Myself, Quentin aka Croppish. I am responsible for Investors, Partnerships and Community Development.

We had been farming on several platforms (such as Raydium) for a couple of months but we couldn’t find many projects to farm with. And then we learned that Solana raised a significant amount ($300+M) in early June 2021. For us this meant that more and more projects would be created and would then need to provide a Yield Farming solution to their holders (e.g. the 500+ projects that have been formed during the Solana Ignition Hackaton). So, we had to make it permissionless!

Question3: Cropper Finance has always been attracting extensive market attention. Could you share with us the funding process and partnership at present?What milestones have been achieved so far?


To get our initial funding we first did seed and private rounds in which we raised more than $1.4M thanks to our 14 backers. For milestones, we have recently achieved our first major milestone — which was our Audit. The next one is the launch of our product: our AMM and Yield Farming via our new feature: Fertilizer. And we’re also very proud of our Hackhaton participation:

We are now 15 people working full time every day at CropperFinance in various countries around the world such as France, Russia, China, Singapore, Indonesia, and Brazil.

Question4: The core feature of Cropper Finance is the permissionless yield farming feature, which allows any SPL project to start a liquidity pool and related farming services.How to understand permissionless? How does Cropper Finance ensure the security of the different pools?


Permissionless means that any SPL project will be able to create Pools and Farms in a few clicks. For example, if you want to create a farm you’ll just have to connect your company wallet, select the AMM ID related to your pool, decide the weekly token emission, the number of weeks you want this farm to last, deposit the tokens and then click on “create a farm”. Then you could invite your community to use your farm. The security of our Pools and Farms is ensured by the Audit we have completed with Halborn.

Question5: What liquidity pools does Cropper Finance plan to support first?In the case of permissionless ,How to ensure the liquidity 、TVL of the LP pools and how to ensure that users can get relatively high APY reawrds?


The first LPs that CropperFinance will support will be all of the major tokens on Solana (15+ pools to start). Then we will incentivize users to deposit these LPs on CRP farms.

Our first farm will be CRP-USDC. But we will also launch the CRP-SOL, CRP-USDT and CRP-ETH farms shortly after.

The TVL of the LP pools will be ensured by the creation of farms but we can’t ensure the TVL of permissionless farms as we can’t choose how many rewards the farm will release through their farm. For Labelized Farms (Certified Farm) we will ensure that the rewards are high enough to provide farmers a sufficient APY to attract enough funds.

Question6: Compared with the basic public chains such as Ethereum,which have already developed as an ecosystem, what are the advantages and characteristics of Solana ecosystem? Which track are you optimistic about and what are the possible weaknesses that may occur?

Answer:Solana is still pretty new, so everything still needs to be created. That’s the main advantage, whereas with Ethereum, it’s kind of difficult to get a place in their ecosystem. The strongest competitive advantage of Solana is its scalability. The transactions are fast and costs are low — which together create an infinite amount of possibilities. But Solana is still relatively new and, given the speed of their growth, can experience issues at times as they scale. As we’ve seen before with the Solana down.

Question 7: Following the previous question, why does Cropper Finance choose to join the Solana ecosystem rather than the other public chains? What position does Cropper Finance hold in the Solana ecosystem?

Answer:As we said before, we chose Solana because it was new, inspiring in terms of opportunities, and the community was super engaged. But another important point that led us to building on Solana was its fast and cheap transactions. Especially compared to ERC-20, where yield farming is only accessible for big wallets because of the cost of the transaction. On Solana you can farm with a way smaller wallet since the transactions are almost free.

Cropper Finance will hold a central place for liquidity, as well as a farm launchpad that plans to give the visibility and kickstart that smaller projects deserve.

Question 8: There are many DeFi projects emerging in the Solana ecosystem, many of which are also focused on yeild farming, such as atrix, solyard, SolFarm, etc. What are the differences and unique advantages of Cropper Finance compared to these projects?

Answer:First of all, Solyard and SolFarm are two yield aggregators. They essentially plug their Smart Contract onto a Yield Farming platform to optimize them. But compared to other Yield Farming projects (e.g. Raydium or Orca), our main difference is The Permissionless Feature which allows any project to launch their farms without permission. Another main difference is our Fertilizer Feature, which is the first Farm Launchpad on Solana.

Question 9: Cropper Finance has tweeted something about the schedule for the first Fertilizer event, can you give us a brief introducntion of how to participate in the Fertilizer event and the rules?

Answer: On Friday you can simply go to the Fertilizer section on our website where you’ll find the whitelist and be able to start farming on Tuesday. Here is the full schedule:

  • Friday, October 22nd @ 11AM UTC — Whitelist opens for registration
  • Monday, October 25th @ 11AM UTC — Whitelist registration closes
  • Tuesday, October 26th @ 11AM UTC — CRP-USDC Community Farm opens
  • Thursday, October 28th — Lottery rewards (Airdrop + NFTs) are distributed
  • Saturday, October 30th @ 11AM UTC — Community Farm goes public

Question10:For value capturing, what is the tokenomics of Cropper Finance , and how do you stimulate the users to hold your tokens in the long run? What are some application scenarios of your token?


Our Tokenomics is designed to incentivize people to provide liquidity to our platform. But as many people know, AMM/Yield farming platform tokens are exposed to high inflation because of the farming release. To counterbalance that inflation, CropperFinance implemented a system to buy back the tokens. Firstly to reward the liquidity provider with 40% of the fee allocated to that transaction. This provides higher APY with less token release in the circulation. We also integrated a system of Burn. 50% of the fees generated on CropperFinance will be burned. In addition to that, we are developing a vested stacking option to reward long time holders and take some token off from the market .

All of this has one goal — to create a positive buying pressure on the CRP token.

Question11: What are the following plans of Cropper Finance ? Any new product being launched? Will you cooperate with the projects for greater development?


After launching CropperFinance this month, our main focus will be on bringing in new SPL projects to launch their permissionless farms and pools. We are already in touch with 10+ projects who are willing and eager to partner with Cropper.

We are also planning to release a Single-Asset Stacking feature in Q4. Stacking will likely share a correlation with our Fertilizer feature. We could imagine only giving Fertilizer access (community farms) to those who stack a minimum of 500 CRP for instance.




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